10 Home Office Walls Decoration Ideas

by Vlen Feng
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10 Home Office Walls Decoration Ideas

If you work from home, you know that adding some gorgeous, decorative home office ideas to your workspace is a necessity. Beautiful wall decoration can effectively enhance the appearance of the home office. To be inspired to create the home office of your dreams, please check out these creative ideas below.  


1.  Home office space with wall storage system & interior plant

home office space with wall storage system

In the home office, it is wall space that is utilized to the hilt to provide ample storage space you need.  This  home office space with wall storage system and set of planters setup has both aesthetics and practicality. 


2. Inspired chalkboard wall

home office with blackboard wall

If you are a very forgetful person, you might want to write your schedule on this blackboard wall. This wall decoration will make you motivated on Mondays and keep you alive at all times at work. The home office is your private space, and it is not a cubicle, so please boldly add anything you like to this space.


3. Floating shelves over the desk for easy storage and access

DIY Stacked Floating Book Shelves


4. Fun home office background lights

RGB Corner Lamp in Home office

 Even if you prefer to have a minimalist office space, a bright pop of color will help keep you inspired—even when you're bogged down with work. This RGB color Corner Lamp easy to use remote control makes it simple to shuffle through 16+ million colors and 300+multi color effects to find your perfect lighting.  

 Shop this “ CornerLamp” :epdesignlab.com


5.  Mini workstation with a professional gallery wall look

Home office black wall theme

 Turn any space into a mini workstation with this idea for an office nook. You can stay in the middle of the action while getting your work done with this desk tucked away in the family room. Enjoy your most special moments every day with a professional gallery wall look.


 6. Adding magnet boards and hanging document compartments

home office wall with storage


7.Accent lamps

accent lamp for home office

Accent Lamps Spruce up your space by adding some bold accent lamps. Pick out a creative pattern that'll keep the room looking fresh.

Shop this “ Face Lamp” :EPDesignlab.com


8. Magnet and memo boards to attach various papers

Magnet and memo boards


9. Magic gadgets for home office

 This Magnetic Levitation Aladdin‘s Magic Lamp is an ideal candle holder or aromatherapy container for your home office.

Shop this “ Face Lamp” :SOHOforever.com


10. Wall Paper

home office with wall paper

One of our favorite places to add a burst of color with wallpaper is in the home office. Whether your office is a fully fledged room with desk, chairs, and diplomas, or a tiny corner carved out of your living room, there are lots of ways to incorporate your wallpaper obsession. 


by Vlen Feng


Lauren, Home Office Outlet
Lauren, Home Office Outlet

Magnet Board is a great idea! Will definitely add one in my home office, haha

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