Mary H.
I love theses lights. I'm still trying to decide where I'm placing them, but I made my initial- it will go on a wall!
This is super easy to setup, super easy to configure with your phone and load in patterns and colors. They look great.
Comes with everything you need to get started which is great too.
Christopher C.
Came in a bit slow but that was due to covid, it looks very nice on the wall though! I love how much the colors change and how nice it makes my apartment look. Would highly recommend
Working cool with music
Loves the lights, added them to my set up, now my twitch account is official
Frida M.
Love them they work so well thank you for this great experience
Eva K.
Really love these lights. They're super cool. Awesome functionality with remote and timer feature was exactly what I was looking for.
Takes my gaming set up to the next level! I also got the expansion pack to make a super cool design with them
These look great and work well! Make sure to plan out what you're doing before you start sticking them up. They are colorful fun and a joy to configure.
Perfect for gaming set ups
Must need if you are a tech head
It so happened that I came across these on SALE and broke down and with caution, cash and considerable anticipation (anxiety?) I snatched up the last remaining box and added a whole new obsession for light play / decor in an apartment far too small but at least no one could ever say it's lacking in illumination!
Love my s and cannot wait to expand my collection....albeit slowly.
It��s most important to prepare where you are going to want this based on the design you go for.
Very cool, decorative and useful
Todd Z.
Love it, wish I had bought more. Looking forward to my discount for the review. Thanks Todd Z
Very bright, responsive, and easy set up
Super bright, work really well, and super intuitive app. Really easy to put together as well as hang up. I think the only setback is the price, but if you can afford it, they are a really good decorative piece and I really enjoy them!
Good product look nice when lit up. I just think it's overpriced for what it is.
I love these and I wanna get more for my room as we speak
Very cool. Awesome for my studio , the response to music is very cool.
Ok so if you want to have a light up wall art thing, this is it, it��s so cool, you can play around with the shapes and add to it! I��ve made my own color schemes and also used some others made. and when I don��t want it to light up the room or look like art, I can crank some music and I feel like I��m at a rave haha. This thing is cool and I can��t wait to add to it
Easy setup and works great. Super easy to connect the panels together and activate HomeKit.
Perfect for Sith Sanctums or home offices.
Jay M.
Great product. Remote function is super and you can still activate by touching
Love these so much. Finally pulled the trigger. I like the design of these new "shapes" panels a lot more than the original .
Awesome and modern gadget
Cheryl T.
Love these lights. They are quite unique. They were easy to assemble and are easy to use. My granddaughter loves them.
Brings joy to my computing area
Very cool, but expensive
Mike F.
This item arrived safe and well packaged.This is a great pack of 9 colour changing hexagonal lights.I have various coloured lights all over my house, as they create an incredible ambience that white light can't do alone. They are also great fun for when you've got the kids around too.These changeable hexagon lights have the ability to produce any colour and many many different levels of brightness, giving you full control of your room lighting. I have these installed in my man cave, which gives me full control of the ambience of the room. Typically I only use it on a low settings to create fun coloured ambient lighting, but when you need to show off or see something in brighter light, this can light up the entire room and beyond with just the press of a hexagon!I highly recommend this product.
A lot of fun, but pricey
I love the way this lights are bright enough that nighttime. Completely satisfied with this products of light panels. I definitely need to go back for more! :)
Very bright and vibrant. Virtually any color and tons of awesome effects/presets.
Zavala family
I was looking for a present and this interesting, hexagonal light catched my attention. As it's for a kid, I was happy to find something more than just a lamp, it's something fun and he can even change the shapes every night. Easy to charge, bright in the night to cover whole room and wasn't complicated to attach to the wall.Happy with my purchase.
Adds an awesome lighting effect to any room
Amazing for gaming setups. It really adds to the vibe of the whole room. N [ still can't connect 2 weeks later ].
that.. amazing.
Great for my set up. Love the endless colors and music sync.
Yu & Yu
Absolutely amazing product. we will buy another 6 they are that good!
Buen producto, f��cil instalaci��n
Great quality and brightness!
Got this as a gift for my niece. She loves it! It lights up the room!
Absolutely amazing!
Die Panels kommen gut verpackt im Karton an. Darin befindet sich noch ein Stecker mit USB-Anschluss, 6 gro?e Runde Aufkleber, mit denen man die Panels an der Wand befestigen kann, ein St?nder, wenn man die Panels lieber hinstellen m?chte und eine Anleitung in verschiedenen Sprachen auch Deutsch.Die Panels bestehen aus wei?en Plastik an den Seiten und hinten, vorne sind sie mit einer d��nnen wei?en Plastikscheibe abgedeckt.An 5 Seiten befinden sich jeweils 2 Magnete, an einer Seite der Eingang f��r das Strom-Kabel. So lassen sich die Panels in jede beliebige Form bringen, da die Magnete sofort alles festhalten.Eingesteckt kann man durch Ber��hrung der einzelnen Panels die Farbe und die Schnelligkeit des Farbwechsels beeinflussen. Eine Fernbedienung gibt es daf��r nicht.Die Farben sind klar und die Helligkeit sehr angenehm, so dass sie nicht blenden, es sieht einfach sch?n und dekorativ aus.Das sch?ne, man kann sich mehrere Sets kaufen, da man beliebig viele Panels zusammen stecken kann und dann so Bilder und Formen erschaffen.Das einzige was verbessert werden k?nnte w?re der St?nder, er ist sehr leicht und wenn ich die Panels hinstellen m?chte und das Gleichgewicht meiner gew��nschten Form nicht stimmt kippt es um. Da es bei mir an der Wand h?ngt ist das f��r mich aber kein Problem.
These are amazing!!
Neat Game Room Addition
Even More Fun That I Had Anticipated
The lights are super duper cool you can do whatever shape you like they are great
Very good lighting choice
Diese Lichter funktionieren gut, sind nicht zu dick und glauben es mir, die mitgelieferten Klebepads l?sen sich NICHT!Stellen Sie nur sicher, dass es richtig ausrichten, denn wenn sie stecken bleiben, sind sie fest!Ich wollte diese Lichter wegen der Farben und der einfachen Handhabung. W?re genial gewesen, eine Fernbedienung zu haben, aber nicht das Ende der Welt.Es m��ssen nicht auf die Lichter dr��cken, tippen Sie einfach darauf.Ich hoffe ich konnte mit meiner Rezension behilflich sein.
I have to say these things are beautiful and they have so many more shapes and textures in the lineup definitely a smart buy
I can see this interactive wall art in a number of settings. Kids love the interactive capabilities and can spend a lot (and I mean a LOT) of time with the wall art.
Overall, I��d give it a strong thumbs up!
in good quality even though used
Vorteil ist das man die teile wirklich auch einzelne an Strom Kabel anschlie?en kann, bestellt habe ich es f��r mich .. dachte die Teile kann ich einfach an meinem Bett , Hilfe f��r meine Schlafger?t nehmen falls ich es mal verstellen muss oder so. Ich fand sie einfach cool und wurde auch nicht entt?uscht ;-)aber das gr??te Problem ist, wenn man Kinder hat, muss man um die teile k?mpfen auf jeden Fall haben meine 2 Kinder jeweils 3 st genommen und somit streit vermieden so muss ich auch nicht noch mal eins kaufen, sind ja grad nicht g��nstig.Die Farben sind echt cool , die Reaktion ist auch nicht schlecht und die Lichter wenn sie auch alle zusammen angeschlo?en sind, verlieren sie nicht an Helligkeit , daher ist es auch ein Vorteil .Zuerst habe ich gedacht , ich muss an alle St��cke ein Kabel anschlie?en aber das war Gott sei Dank nicht der Fall....Die Teile haben verschiede Farben und hell genug sind sie alle male , w?re aber noch cooler , wenn man sie h?tte dimmen k?nnen , dann h?tte ich sie wahrscheinlich auch als Schlaflicht f��r die Kinder einsetzen k?nnen.
Really great for ambient lighting and is easy to rearrange.
These things are expensive but sure do make for cool lighting. Made our gaming room so much different.
We also got the expansion pack with this. Total of 13
Habe mir die Hexagon LED Panels zum Geburtstag bestellt. Ich wollte erst einmal nur ein 6er Set bestellen zum testen. Die Qualit?t ist sehr gut. Jedes Modul hat einen eigenen Micro USB Anschluss, sollte daher mal der Anschluss an einem Modul defekt sein, so kann man einfach auf ein anderes zur��ck greifen.Die Farben sind sehr hell und die einzelnen LEDs sind nicht so stark auszumachen wie es vielleicht auf dem Foto r��ber kommt. Die Panels reagieren auch sehr gut und sauber auf die Ber��hrung so dass meine Kinder mehr Spa? an den Panels hatten wie ich.Ich werde noch ein weiteres 6er Pack bestellen.
Great looking and easy to use. I bought 3 sets this one and 2 of the mini extention sets. One of the mini triangles was slightly damaged as the light was dimmer then the rest. I like them a lot but for the cost I was disappointed when one was damaged.
These are amazing lights! They are very bright also. I feared that I would not be able to light up my room with one set, but I was wrong. They are bright! My only issue so far is that the "touch controls" seem to be very sensitive that sometimes they act like they are being touched for no apparent reason;
I love my shapes. Really easy to use and simple to set up using Wi-Fi and my phone. I would recommend this product to any of my friends and family. Would definitely buy again.
El mayor de la casa jejejej esta con el royo gamer, youtuber etc etc etc.Esta decorando un poco su habitaci��n a su gusto y detr��s de pantalla tiene puestas una luces de led que cambiar de color al tacto.Punto muy bueno que las podemos poner haciendo formas estas se unen por unos imanes que se enganchan con bastante fuerza.Para mi lo mejor es que cada luz de led es independiente a la otra con esto quiero decir que la primera la puedes poner azul, la segunda apagada, la tercera roja etc etc.Mi hijo la tiene puesta hacia arriba en un soporte que no es muy grande, y queda bien.Si la quieres dejar pegada en la pared nos incluye cinta de doble cara para cada foco (ojo va enchufada a la luz) digo esto por si alguien la pega antes de comprobarlo.
Steve Collins
My son bought this for his room and he loves it. It��s so neat looking and works great!
Makes a room complete.
Las mejores luces led ??
It was a gift don��t have any info on the item from the person
Terry C.
This lamp is really great, it can be assembled into any shape I want. Love it!!!
So easy to install and adds instantly a cool factor to my family room
Just put up on wall!! Son Loves them so much wants to buy more!!!
These are perfect. My son loves them!!
Great product that I want to buy more! Like how I can control it with my Alexa
This is a good wall product and the wire connectors are unstable and will not hold the thing together on there own but besides that it's a good product.
Awesome lights but doesnt stick well!!!
These are definitely a neat novelty for any game room. They have a ton of options for light patterns, and are super easy to install. They provide a nice ambient light as well!
I bought this as a gift for my girlfriend for her birthday & she absolutely fell in love with it. Definitely worth it